Azure Day 2016

The most awaited day finally arrived when I finally got the chance to organize the “AZURE DAY” in my college. Oriental College of Technology, Anand Nagar, Bhopal.

That morning I woke up and rehearsed all the contents via Skype through my fellow mates. This was going to be fun as it was organised by Microsoft and I felt privileged to be a part to the Microsoft team. We reached the college by 11:30 and checked for all the arrangements that were to be done on time starting from projector, to power point presentation, as I have held many seminars in various institutes across the country, so I was knowing it would be one of the best things happening in my life again!!

The seminar was scheduled to start at 1:00. The audience started to assemble in the auditorium according to the time given by the authorities. They all looked excited about the seminar. Finally after the dignitaries arrived, we welcomed them and the seminar moved forward.., Let me tell you about what the seminar was about.

We informed the students what azure was all about.

  • What is cloud and its importance
  • Description windows azure services
  • Computer Services
  • What is network service
  • What are data services
  • Azure components
  • Azure Pricing

Microsoft Azure is an open, flexible, enterprise-grade cloud computing platform. Move faster, do more and save money with IaaS + PaaS. Our Aim was to make People aware about Microsoft azure on the auspicious Azure day. The advantages of the azure were mind blowing, as students were very much keen to know about this new technology.

We discussed about the azure thoroughly and went through all of its components via PPT’S, After the session was over, a Q&A round was held in which many students came up with questions about the working, updates, pros & cons of the MS Azure.

Finally the session was over with the dignitaries giving speech about the future aspects and the use of the azure in our day to day lives. Also they thanked us for our efforts that made the students knowing something about the new technologies Microsoft launches and others related to the IT field.

It was great pleasure for me to join hands with Microsoft student partner program and make the students aware about the new innovations done by Microsoft. My college also supported me to organize the seminar. Without them, which would be quite impossible. Finally the session ended and we clicked some photographs of the entire seminar.
Overall, it was a nice experience for me and in future I’m looking forward to organize more of such seminars in various institutions.



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