India wants open Web – NetNeutrality

“We have 11 days left to fight anti‪ #‎net‬neutrality..
Here’s what you can do.
1. Sign this petition over at and share it with your friends.
2. Write directly to TRAI at “[email protected]”.
You can write what you like – but you could have words that say something like
Dear TRAI,
I am writing to express my concern against the actions that telecom carriers are taking against Net Neutrality. Zero Rating Apps are one of these neutrality-breaking moves.
I believe the internet is a vital resource – if telecom operators can determine which apps I use for free and which I cannot, because of their secret backroom deals – this creates an environment that is deeply anti-competitive and deeply anti-consumer.
India is an inclusive country, and we cannot have such elitist structures on the internet. We have to allow the open internet, where consumers and entrepreneurs can be free to market and use any and all apps, without the burden of knowing which apps have free bandwidth pre-paid and which don’t.
I am writing to ask you to demand net neutrality from telcos and specifically disallow Zero Rating Apps from all Internet Service Providers
{Your Name}
3. Write to the management at Google and Twitter to get them off any and all Zero Rating apps, including Airtel, so that they don’t encourage rapacious telcos.
4. If you’re part of an industry organisation like FICCI, CII, Assocham, IMC or others, get them to lobby on behalf of consumers and entrepreneurs around India. Ask them to put forward a simple message – yes to net neutrality and no to zero rating apps.
5. Spread this message by sharing this piece on LinkedIn, and ironically on the culprits Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus. Let’s get all their members to see how evil their apparently-friendly social networks can be.
6. Get this message to your MP, and /or to Ravi Shankar Prasad or Prime Minister Modi. Make sure they know you care deeply about net neutrality and get them to legislate that neutrality-breaking activites cannot be allowed in India.
7. If any of you are members of the press, traditional or digital, feel free to re-post this entire article on your site or media vehicle, with attribution and without any significant changes. You don’t need any further permission from me.”

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