App dev for freshwave pre-event post

Hello guys, we are again here with a new event in Oriental College of Technology that is App Development for FxOs. The event will be a full day event for the freshwave that is the students of first year on 3rd of October (Saturday).

The event will be having the following agenda:
10:00 : Introduction, club work appreciation
11:00 : FSA Program / recruitments
12:00 : Webmaker app + Thimble 
1:00 : Lunch Break
1:30 : FxOs App dev Using Simulator
2:00 : FxOs App Demos
02:30 : Web literacy + talk on net neutrality 
04:00 : EndOfSession

We’ll be having two sessions, the first session will be in the Auditorium and the second session will be there in the second half in the labs for trying the app development at the same time.
Hope to organise the event in a successful way with the support of our firefox club Oriental (#FxOriental). 🙂

Mr. Rahul Talreja (Mozilla RePs)
Mr. Vaibhav Bajaj ( Mozilla RePs)
Mr. Aditya Shah (ClubLead, FxOriental)

RePs portal event link: https://­­mozilla-awareness-day­-at-firefox-club-oct­/
Fb event link:

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