FxCamp Oriental

Hello guys, this post is about the Pilot Campaign organised in Oriental College of Technology on 17/10/2015 to enhance Firefox in Hindi downloads.

The campaign was scheduled to be done on 16th of October but due to some technical problems we had to delay, so we managed to change the date and got the date as 17th October.

Due to dushera holidays at that time the strength was too low but we managed to cover as many as people from Computer Science department and we all managed to download and install Firefox in Hindi in all the Computers of the lab.

There were about 20 attendees and we managed to download and install Firefox in Hindi and also we made firefox as default browser in the whole lab.

Since the attendees were new to Mozilla, i took a small session on Mozilla and its mission and also about its projects and contribution areas in Mozilla’s Projects. We (me and Kalpit) also demonstrated ”Army of Awesome” and localisation (l10n). Also we recruited 20 firefox Student ambassador.

We were about to do the campaign again but again due to some circumstances we didn’t got the permission from the college management. Although the campaign is over but I’ll embed this in my next event for sure.

Sorry Umesh sir i couldn’t wear the T-shirt in the Campaign as swags didn’t reach on time. ?

RePs Portal Link: https://reps.mozilla.org/e/fxcamp-oriental/
Link to pics: https://drive.google.com/folder/d/0B9SEmeReQGUBa1JaVzh6bVhzTFU/edit


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